Benko Gambit

This aggressive chess opening involves pawn sacrifices to create counterplay and pressure on the queenside.

1. d4 2. Nf6 3. c4 4. c5 5. d5 6. b5

The opening is characterized by a distinctive pawn structure and imbalances, often leading to exciting and dynamic play. Black sacrifices a pawn early in the game to open lines on the queenside, aiming to create counterplay and pressure against White's position. This gambit is particularly effective against players who prefer a slow, positional game, as it forces them to defend against active piece play and potential threats.

In the resulting positions, Black typically has excellent piece activity and coordination, while White struggles to find a safe place for their king and to coordinate their pieces effectively. The opening can lead to sharp tactical battles, as well as long-term strategic struggles, depending on how both players choose to handle the resulting imbalances.

Many top-level players, including former World Champions Garry Kasparov and Viswanathan Anand, have played this opening. It is considered a sound and aggressive option for Black, especially in situations where a draw is not a satisfactory result.

While the opening can lead to exciting and unbalanced positions, it is essential for Black to have a deep understanding of the resulting pawn structures and piece coordination to maximize their chances of success. Proper preparation and study of the opening's key ideas and plans are crucial for players who wish to employ this gambit in their games.

Frequency: 43.9 %Stockfish score: 0.8, depth 50
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Benko Gambit Accepted

A dynamic chess opening, the Benko Gambit Accepted involves Black sacrificing a pawn for long-term counterplay on the queenside.

Frequency: 75.3 %

Benko Gambit Declined: Main Line

This chess opening features aggressive pawn play and counterplay on the queenside, leading to dynamic positions and active piece play.

Frequency: 13.1 %

Benko Gambit Declined: Quiet Line

The Benko Gambit Declined: Quiet Line is a chess opening characterized by a pawn sacrifice by Black to gain counterplay on the queenside.

Frequency: 5.1 %

Benko Gambit Declined: Sosonko Variation

A chess opening that offers Black dynamic counterplay and chances for a long-term initiative in exchange for a pawn.

Frequency: 3.5 %

Benko Gambit Declined: Pseudo-Sämisch

The Benko Gambit Declined: Pseudo-Sämisch is a chess opening that involves sacrificing a pawn to gain active piece play and counterplay on the queenside.

Frequency: 1.7 %

Benko Gambit Declined: Bishop Attack

The Benko Gambit Declined: Bishop Attack is a chess opening that involves sacrificing a pawn to gain active piece development and attacking chances.

Frequency: 1.1 %

Benko Gambit Declined: Hjørring Countergambit

The Benko Gambit Declined: Hjørring Countergambit is a chess opening that involves sacrificing a pawn to gain active piece development and counterplay.

Frequency: 0.4 %