Benko Gambit Declined: Hjørring Countergambit

The Benko Gambit Declined: Hjørring Countergambit is a chess opening that involves sacrificing a pawn to gain active piece development and counterplay.

1. d4 2. Nf6 3. c4 4. c5 5. d5 6. b5 7. e4

The Benko Gambit Declined: Hjørring Countergambit is a dynamic chess opening where Black sacrifices a pawn early on to disrupt White's pawn structure and gain active piece development. The opening begins with a series of moves that aim to establish a solid pawn structure for both sides. After the initial pawn moves, Black plays b5, offering a pawn sacrifice to lure White into accepting it.

By accepting the gambit, White gains a material advantage but also allows Black to create counterplay and generate tactical opportunities. Black's main idea is to exploit the weakened queenside pawns of White and create pressure on the c4 pawn. This leads to an imbalanced position where Black aims to develop their pieces harmoniously and launch an aggressive attack against White's position.

White, on the other hand, has to carefully navigate the complications and defend their extra pawn while simultaneously developing their pieces and consolidating their position. The Hjørring Countergambit is a lesser-known variation within the Benko Gambit Declined, and it adds an extra layer of complexity to the opening.

Overall, the Benko Gambit Declined: Hjørring Countergambit is an exciting opening choice for Black, offering dynamic play and tactical possibilities in exchange for a temporary material disadvantage. It requires accurate calculation and strategic planning from both sides to navigate the resulting imbalances and seize the initiative.

Frequency: 0.4 %Stockfish score: -0.3, depth 22
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