Benko Gambit Declined: Bishop Attack

The Benko Gambit Declined: Bishop Attack is a chess opening that involves sacrificing a pawn to gain active piece development and attacking chances.

1. d4 2. Nf6 3. c4 4. c5 5. d5 6. b5 7. Bg5

The Benko Gambit Declined: Bishop Attack is a chess opening that arises after a series of moves where Black sacrifices a pawn in order to gain active piece development and attacking chances. The opening begins with White playing d4, followed by Black's Nf6 and c4. White then plays d5, which Black counters with c5, initiating the Benko Gambit. After White accepts the gambit by capturing the b5 pawn, Black plays Bg5, pinning the knight on f6 and putting pressure on White's position.

This opening is characterized by dynamic play and imbalances, as Black willingly gives up material to create tactical opportunities and open lines for their pieces. By sacrificing the b5 pawn, Black aims to create counterplay on the queenside, often targeting White's weak pawns and exploiting the open b-file. The move Bg5 is a key move in this opening, pinning the knight and potentially disrupting Black's development.

White has several options to respond to the Bishop Attack, including moves like Nc3, e3, or h3. Each choice leads to different pawn structures and strategic plans. Black, on the other hand, can continue with moves like Nc6, e6, or a6, aiming to complete development and put pressure on White's position.

The Benko Gambit Declined: Bishop Attack is a dynamic opening choice for Black, offering active piece play and tactical opportunities in exchange for a pawn. It requires accurate calculation and understanding of the resulting positions, making it a popular choice for players seeking unbalanced positions and aggressive play.

Frequency: 1.1 %Stockfish score: -0.1, depth 22
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