Réti Opening: Anglo-Slav Variation, Bogoljubov Variation, Stonewall Line

The Réti Opening: Anglo-Slav Variation, Bogoljubov Variation, Stonewall Line is a flexible and solid chess opening that aims for a slow buildup and control of the center.

1. Nf3 2. Nf6 3. g3 4. d5 5. Bg2 6. e6 7. c4 8. Be7 9. O-O 10. O-O 11. b3 12. c6 13. Bb2

The opening is characterized by its slow and steady development, with both players focusing on controlling the center and maintaining a solid pawn structure. White begins with the knight's move to f3, followed by fianchettoing the light-squared bishop on g2. This setup allows White to exert pressure on the central d5 square while maintaining a flexible pawn structure.

Black, on the other hand, responds with a symmetrical setup, placing their pawns on d5 and e6, and developing their knight to f6. This formation is known as the Stonewall, which is a solid and defensive structure that can be difficult for White to break through.

As the game progresses, both players continue to develop their pieces and castle kingside. White typically expands on the queenside with pawn moves to c4 and b3, followed by the development of the dark-squared bishop to b2. This setup allows White to control key central squares and prepare for potential pawn breaks in the center or on the queenside.

Black's main plan is to maintain their solid pawn structure and coordinate their pieces to counter any threats from White. The c6 pawn move helps to support the d5 pawn and reinforce the center, while the development of the light-squared bishop to e7 allows for smooth kingside castling.

Overall, the Réti Opening: Anglo-Slav Variation, Bogoljubov Variation, Stonewall Line is a strategic and positional opening that can lead to a rich middlegame with plenty of opportunities for both sides to outmaneuver their opponent.

Frequency: 22.1 %Stockfish score: 0.2, depth 45
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