English Opening: Agincourt Defense, Neo-Catalan Declined

A solid and flexible chess opening for both white and black, focusing on piece development and pawn structure while avoiding early confrontations.

1. Nf3 2. Nf6 3. c4 4. e6 5. g3 6. d5 7. Bg2 8. Be7 9. O-O

The opening is characterized by its emphasis on a strong pawn structure and piece development, allowing both players to maintain a solid position throughout the early stages of the game. White begins by fianchettoing their light-squared bishop and placing their pawns on c4 and g3, while black responds with a symmetrical pawn structure and develops their knights and dark-squared bishop.

This opening is known for its flexibility, as both players have various options to transition into different pawn structures and plans depending on their preferred style of play. The Neo-Catalan Declined variation specifically refers to black's decision to delay the capture on c4, maintaining the tension in the center and allowing for a more dynamic middlegame.

White's main plan in this opening is to eventually play d4, challenging black's central pawn on d5 and potentially opening up the position for their pieces. Black, on the other hand, can choose between a more solid setup with b6 and Bb7, or a more aggressive approach with c5, aiming to undermine white's pawn structure.

Overall, this opening is a popular choice for players who prefer a more strategic and less tactical battle, as it often leads to a slow and maneuvering middlegame. Both sides have ample opportunities to outplay their opponent through better understanding of the resulting pawn structures and piece coordination.

Frequency: 97.4 %Stockfish score: 0.2, depth 44
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Réti Opening: Anglo-Slav Variation, Bogoljubov Variation, Stonewall Line

The Réti Opening: Anglo-Slav Variation, Bogoljubov Variation, Stonewall Line is a flexible and solid chess opening that aims for a slow buildup and control of the center.

Frequency: 22.1 %