Queen's Gambit Declined: Albin Countergambit, Tartakower Defense
A dynamic and combative chess opening that results in asymmetrical positions, providing winning opportunities for both players.
1. d4 2. d5 3. c4 4. e5 5. dxe5 6. d4 7. Nf3 8. c5The opening is a variation of the Queen's Gambit Declined, where Black opts for a counterattack in the center with an early pawn advance to e5. This move challenges White's central pawn on d4 and aims to establish a pawn majority in the center. White typically captures the pawn on e5, and Black responds with d4, creating a pawn wedge in the center of the board.
The Tartakower Defense, named after the renowned chess grandmaster Savielly Tartakower, is a specific line within this opening where Black plays c5, supporting the advanced d4 pawn and exerting pressure on White's pawn on c4. This move also prepares to develop the knight to c6 and the bishop to e6, completing Black's kingside development.
White's most common response is to play Nf3, attacking the advanced d4 pawn and preparing to castle kingside. Both sides have chances for active play, with White aiming to undermine Black's pawn center and Black seeking to create counterplay on the queenside.
The opening can lead to sharp tactical battles and demands accurate play from both sides. It is a popular choice for players who enjoy unbalanced positions and are not afraid to take risks in the opening. However, it is also crucial for both players to be well-prepared in the opening theory, as mistakes can be severely punished.
Rate | White | Black |
0...1800 | 64.5 | 50.9 |
1800...2000 | 64.1 | 50.3 |
2000...2200 | 67.5 | 45.6 |
2200...2500 | 62.6 | 46 |
2500... | 60.3 | 39.7 |