Queen's Gambit Declined: Albin Countergambit, Normal Line
This aggressive opening is a sharp response to the Queen's Gambit, leading to unbalanced positions and tactical battles.
1. d4 2. d5 3. c4 4. e5 5. dxe5 6. d4 7. Nf3The opening is characterized by Black's decision to counterattack in the center with an early pawn advance to e5, rather than passively defending with moves like e6 or Nf6. This leads to a pawn structure where Black has a central pawn duo on d4 and e5, while White has a pawn majority on the queenside. The Normal Line, in particular, involves White capturing on e5 and Black pushing their d-pawn to d4, followed by White's development of their knight to f3.
This opening can lead to highly tactical and complex middlegames, as both sides fight for control of the center and try to exploit weaknesses in each other's pawn structures. Black's pawn on d4 can become a strength if it is well-supported, but it can also become a target for White's pieces. White, on the other hand, must be careful not to fall behind in development, as Black's pieces can quickly become active and create threats.
The Albin Countergambit is not as popular or well-regarded as other defenses to the Queen's Gambit, but it can be a dangerous weapon in the hands of a well-prepared player. It has been employed by several strong grandmasters, including Alexander Morozevich and Richard Rapport, who have used it to score important victories against higher-rated opponents.
Rate | White | Black |
0...1800 | 64.1 | 54 |
1800...2000 | 62.9 | 54.5 |
2000...2200 | 63.8 | 52.9 |
2200...2500 | 59.7 | 50.6 |
2500... | 60.8 | 46 |