Nimzo-Indian Defense: Classical Variation, Zurich Variation

A solid and flexible chess opening for Black, focusing on controlling the center and creating imbalances in pawn structure.

1. d4 2. Nf6 3. c4 4. e6 5. Nc3 6. Bb4 7. Qc2 8. Nc6

The opening is a popular choice among players of all levels, as it offers a rich variety of middlegame plans and ideas. Black aims to control the center with their pieces, while allowing White to establish a pawn center. The key move in this opening is Black's Bb4, pinning the White knight on c3 and exerting pressure on the central d4 pawn. White's Qc2 move is a flexible response, preparing to support the d4 pawn and potentially unpin the knight by playing a3.

Black's Nc6 move in this variation is a flexible option, as it can support the e5 pawn break or be rerouted to the d6 square. White has several plans to choose from, including e3, Nf3, and a3, each with its own set of ideas and potential pawn structures. Black can also choose between various pawn breaks, such as d5, e5, or c5, depending on the specific position and their preferred style of play.

The opening often leads to imbalanced pawn structures, with Black potentially doubling White's c-pawns after a future Bxc3. This can give Black long-term chances in the endgame, while White can try to exploit their central pawn majority and piece activity in the middlegame. Overall, the opening is a rich and complex battleground that can lead to a wide variety of positions and plans for both sides.

Frequency: 4 %Stockfish score: 0.5, depth 50
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Nimzo-Indian Defense: Classical Variation, Milner-Barry Variation

A solid and flexible chess opening, the Nimzo-Indian Defense: Classical Variation, Milner-Barry Variation aims to control the center and create counterplay for both sides.

Frequency: 103.6 %