Nimzo-Indian Defense: Classical Variation

A solid and flexible chess opening for Black, focusing on controlling the center and creating imbalances in pawn structure.

1. d4 2. Nf6 3. c4 4. e6 5. Nc3 6. Bb4 7. Qc2

The opening in question is a popular and well-respected choice that has been played by many top-level players throughout history. It is characterized by Black's early development of the knight to f6 and the bishop to b4, putting pressure on White's central pawn structure and knight on c3. The specific variation involves White playing a certain move, which defends the knight and prepares for potential pawn advances.

In this opening, Black aims to control the center, create imbalances in pawn structure, and exploit weaknesses in White's position. One of the key ideas for Black is to double White's c-pawns by exchanging the bishop for the knight on c3, which can lead to long-term weaknesses for White. Black can also look to strike at the center with moves like d5 or c5, challenging White's pawn structure.

White, on the other hand, will try to maintain a strong pawn center and exploit the fact that Black has given up the bishop pair. White can also look to expand on the queenside with moves like a3 and b4, potentially creating counterplay and undermining Black's pawn structure.

Overall, this opening is a flexible and solid choice for Black, offering chances for both sides to play for a win. It remains a popular choice at all levels of play, from amateur to professional.

Frequency: 34.7 %Stockfish score: 0.0, depth 49
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Nimzo-Indian Defense: Classical Variation, Keres Defense

A solid and flexible chess opening for Black, focusing on controlling the center and creating imbalances in pawn structure.

Frequency: 23.7 %

Nimzo-Indian Defense: Classical Variation, Berlin Variation

A solid and flexible chess opening for Black, focusing on controlling the center and creating imbalances in pawn structure.

Frequency: 18.2 %

Nimzo-Indian Defense: Classical Variation, Noa Variation

A solid and flexible chess opening for Black, focusing on controlling the center and creating imbalances in pawn structure.

Frequency: 17 %

Nimzo-Indian Defense: Classical Variation, Zurich Variation

A solid and flexible chess opening for Black, focusing on controlling the center and creating imbalances in pawn structure.

Frequency: 4 %

Nimzo-Indian Defense: Classical Variation, Vitolins-Adorjan Gambit

The Vitolins-Adorjan Gambit is a sharp and aggressive chess opening that arises from the Nimzo-Indian Defense, Classical Variation, and aims to challenge White's center early on.

Frequency: 1.9 %