King's Gambit Accepted: King's Knight's Gambit

This aggressive chess opening focuses on quickly controlling the center and creating attacking chances for the player.

1. e4 2. e5 3. f4 4. exf4 5. Nf3

The King's Knight's Gambit is a variation of the King's Gambit Accepted, an old and romantic chess opening that has been played by many great players throughout history. In this opening, White sacrifices a pawn on the second move to open up lines for a quick attack on the enemy king. The King's Knight's Gambit specifically involves the development of the knight to f3, adding pressure on the center and supporting the advance of the d-pawn.

This opening can lead to sharp and tactical positions, as White aims to quickly control the center and create attacking chances against the Black king. However, it can also be risky for White, as the pawn sacrifice can leave the king's position exposed and vulnerable to counterattacks.

Black has several ways to respond to the King's Knight's Gambit, including the Classical Defense, the Modern Defense, and the Fischer Defense. Each of these defenses has its own unique ideas and plans, but all aim to exploit the weaknesses in White's position.

While the King's Knight's Gambit is not as popular as it once was, it still has its adherents and can be a dangerous weapon in the hands of a well-prepared player. It is an excellent choice for players who enjoy aggressive, tactical play and are willing to take risks for the chance of a quick victory.

Frequency: 89.4 %Stockfish score: -0.6, depth 48
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King's Gambit Accepted: Fischer Defense

The King's Gambit Accepted: Fischer Defense is a dynamic and aggressive chess opening that challenges Black's pawn structure and creates early imbalances.

Frequency: 20.3 %

King's Gambit Accepted: MacLeod Defense

The King's Gambit Accepted: MacLeod Defense is an aggressive chess opening that features early pawn sacrifices for rapid piece development and attacking chances.

Frequency: 19.5 %

King's Gambit Accepted: Cunningham Defense

A sharp and aggressive chess opening, the King's Gambit Accepted: Cunningham Defense can lead to exciting and tactical battles.

Frequency: 14.8 %

King's Gambit Accepted: Modern Defense

The King's Gambit Accepted: Modern Defense is a sharp and aggressive chess opening that leads to dynamic and imbalanced positions.

Frequency: 10.5 %

King's Gambit Accepted: Schallopp Defense

The Schallopp Defense is a chess opening that counters the King's Gambit Accepted, focusing on rapid development and counterplay for Black.

Frequency: 7.5 %

King's Gambit Accepted: King's Knight's Gambit

The King's Knight's Gambit is an aggressive chess opening that aims to quickly open up the center and create attacking chances for both sides.

Frequency: 5.1 %

King's Gambit Accepted: Becker Defense

The Becker Defense is a chess opening that counters the King's Gambit Accepted, focusing on maintaining the extra pawn and solidifying the kingside.

Frequency: 4.8 %

King's Gambit Accepted: King's Knight's Gambit

The King's Knight's Gambit is a sharp and aggressive chess opening that aims to quickly open lines and create attacking chances for both sides.

Frequency: 2 %

King's Gambit Accepted: Bonsch-Osmolovsky Variation

A dynamic and aggressive chess opening, the Bonsch-Osmolovsky Variation is a subline of the King's Gambit Accepted, characterized by the development of the black knight to e7.

Frequency: 1.8 %

King's Gambit Accepted: Rosentreter Gambit

The Rosentreter Gambit is a sharp and aggressive chess opening that arises from the King's Gambit Accepted, aiming to exploit weaknesses in Black's pawn structure.

Frequency: 0.6 %

King's Gambit Accepted: Quade Gambit

The Quade Gambit is a sharp and aggressive chess opening that aims to quickly challenge Black's pawn structure and create early tactical opportunities.

Frequency: 0.2 %

King's Gambit Accepted: Gianutio Countergambit

The King's Gambit Accepted: Gianutio Countergambit is an aggressive chess opening where White sacrifices a pawn to gain a strong attacking position.

Frequency: 0.0003 %