King's Gambit Accepted: King's Knight's Gambit

The King's Knight's Gambit is an aggressive chess opening that aims to quickly open up the center and create attacking chances for both sides.

1. e4 2. e5 3. f4 4. exf4 5. Nf3 6. g5 7. Bc4

The opening is characterized by an early pawn sacrifice by White, which aims to open up the center and create attacking chances for both sides. White offers a pawn on f4, which Black can capture with their e-pawn. White then develops their knight to f3, attacking the advanced black pawn on f4, and Black typically responds by advancing their g-pawn to g5, defending the pawn on f4.

The King's Knight's Gambit is part of the larger family of King's Gambit openings, which have been played for centuries and were particularly popular in the 19th century. The opening can lead to sharp, tactical battles, with both players launching attacks against each other's kings. White's main idea is to quickly open lines for their pieces and create threats against Black's king, while Black tries to hold onto their extra pawn and counterattack.

One of the key positions in this opening arises after White plays Bc4, attacking the vulnerable f7-square. Black must be careful in their defense, as White has several ways to increase the pressure on f7 and potentially win material or deliver checkmate.

While the King's Knight's Gambit is not as popular as it once was, it can still be a dangerous weapon in the hands of a well-prepared player. Many strong players have employed this opening with success, and it remains a fascinating and complex battleground for those who enjoy sharp, tactical play.

Frequency: 5.1 %Stockfish score: -1.5, depth 41
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King's Gambit Accepted: Traditional Variation

The King's Gambit Accepted: Traditional Variation is a sharp and aggressive chess opening that leads to open positions and tactical battles.

Frequency: 22.3 %

King's Gambit Accepted: Muzio Gambit, Wild Muzio Gambit

A highly aggressive and risky chess opening, the Wild Muzio Gambit sacrifices material early on for rapid development and attacking chances.

Frequency: 17.4 %

King's Gambit Accepted: Salvio Gambit

The King's Gambit Accepted: Salvio Gambit is an aggressive chess opening that involves sacrificing a pawn for rapid development and attacking chances.

Frequency: 11.7 %

King's Gambit Accepted: Lolli Gambit

The King's Gambit Accepted: Lolli Gambit is a bold chess opening that sacrifices a bishop to launch a swift attack on the opponent's king.

Frequency: 5.2 %

King's Gambit Accepted: Mayet Gambit

The King's Gambit Accepted: Mayet Gambit is an aggressive chess opening that aims to quickly open up the center and create attacking chances for both sides.

Frequency: 2.5 %

King's Gambit Accepted: Ghulam-Kassim Gambit

The Ghulam-Kassim Gambit is a sharp and aggressive chess opening that arises from the King's Gambit Accepted, aiming to challenge Black's pawn structure and create early tactical opportunities.

Frequency: 2.1 %

King's Gambit Accepted: McDonnell Gambit

The King's Gambit Accepted: McDonnell Gambit is an aggressive chess opening that involves sacrificing a pawn to gain rapid development and attacking chances.

Frequency: 0.1 %

King's Gambit Accepted: Australian Gambit

The King's Gambit Accepted: Australian Gambit is an aggressive chess opening that involves sacrificing a pawn to gain control of the center and launch a swift attack on the opponent's position.

Frequency: 0.005 %