Vienna Game: Vienna Gambit, Breyer Variation

The Vienna Game: Vienna Gambit, Breyer Variation is a sharp and aggressive chess opening that can lead to exciting and tactical positions.

1. e4 2. e5 3. Nc3 4. Nf6 5. f4 6. d5 7. fxe5 8. Nxe4 9. Nf3 10. Be7

In this opening, White aims to support the pawn on e4 and prepare to play f4, opening the f-file for the rook. The Vienna Gambit arises when White offers a pawn to accelerate their development and open lines for their pieces. The Breyer Variation specifically occurs when Black accepts the gambit, and White plays to attack the e4-knight and prepare to recapture the pawn on e5.

Black usually continues by allowing the possibility of castling kingside and preparing to support the knight on e4 with f5 if necessary. White has several options at this point, including moves that aim to put pressure on the e4-knight and regain the pawn on e5.

This variation can lead to sharp and tactical positions, with both sides fighting for central control and piece activity. It is named after Hungarian chess player Gyula Breyer, who was known for his creative and unorthodox approach to the game. This opening is suitable for players who enjoy aggressive and tactical play, and are willing to accept some risk in exchange for dynamic chances.

Frequency: 1.2 %Stockfish score: 0.0, depth 44
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