Ruy Lopez: Exchange Variation, Alekhine Variation

The Ruy Lopez: Exchange Variation, Alekhine Variation is a chess opening that involves an early exchange of bishops and focuses on central control and development.

1. e4 2. e5 3. Nf3 4. Nc6 5. Bb5 6. a6 7. Bxc6 8. dxc6 9. d4 10. exd4 11. Qxd4 12. Qxd4 13. Nxd4 14. Bd6

The Ruy Lopez: Exchange Variation, Alekhine Variation is a chess opening that begins with the moves e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 a6 Bxc6 dxc6 d4 exd4 Qxd4 Qxd4 Nxd4 Bd6. In this opening, White starts by advancing their pawn to e4, followed by Black mirroring the move with e5. White then develops their knight to f3, and Black responds by developing their knight to c6. White continues with Bb5, pinning Black's knight to the king, and Black defends by playing a6. White then captures the knight on c6 with their bishop, and Black recaptures with their d pawn.

After the exchange of bishops, White plays d4, aiming to control the center and open up lines for their pieces. Black responds by capturing the pawn on d4 with their exd4, opening up the center and gaining a central pawn. White then plays Qxd4, attacking Black's d4 pawn and simultaneously developing their queen. Black responds by playing Qxd4, exchanging queens and simplifying the position.

In the final moves of this opening, White develops their knight to d4, reinforcing their central control and preparing for further development. Black plays Bd6, developing their bishop and preparing to castle. This opening typically leads to a position where both sides have achieved solid development and have equal chances for the middlegame.

Frequency: 2.3 %Stockfish score: -0.1, depth 33
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