Queen's Gambit Declined: Modern Variation, Normal Line

A solid and classical chess opening, the Queen's Gambit Declined: Modern Variation, Normal Line leads to a balanced middlegame with opportunities for both players.

1. d4 2. Nf6 3. c4 4. e6 5. Nf3 6. d5 7. Nc3 8. Be7 9. Bg5 10. O-O 11. e3

In this opening, the focus is on solid pawn structure and early development of knights and bishops. It is favored by players of all levels due to its balance between solidity and activity. White's main goal is to establish a strong pawn center and generate threats on the queenside, while Black aims to counterattack in the center and create counterplay on the kingside.

White develops their pieces harmoniously, with the bishop on g5 pinning the knight on f6 and the other knight on c3 supporting the pawn on d4. Black concentrates on developing their pieces and maintaining a solid pawn structure. The bishop on e7 and the knight on f6 provide support for the pawn on d5, while kingside castling ensures the safety of the black king.

A key idea for Black in this opening is to break the central pawn tension by playing c5 at the appropriate moment, challenging White's pawn center and potentially creating an isolated queen's pawn for White. This can lead to dynamic play and imbalances in the position, offering both sides chances for an advantage.

Overall, this opening is a reliable and well-tested choice that can result in rich and complex middlegames. It is an excellent option for players who prefer a solid and classical approach to the game while still maintaining opportunities for active and dynamic play.

Frequency: 12 %Stockfish score: 0.0, depth 49
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Queen's Gambit Declined: Neo-Orthodox Variation

The Queen's Gambit Declined: Neo-Orthodox Variation is a classical chess opening that offers a balanced game with opportunities for both players.

Frequency: 51.6 %

Queen's Gambit Declined: Orthodox Defense

The Queen's Gambit Declined: Orthodox Defense is a solid and classical chess opening that leads to a balanced middlegame with chances for both sides.

Frequency: 49.6 %

Queen's Gambit Declined: Pillsbury Attack

The Queen's Gambit Declined: Pillsbury Attack is a strategic chess opening that focuses on solid pawn structure and piece development.

Frequency: 0.9 %