Queen's Gambit Declined: Baltic Defense, Queen Attack Deferred

The Baltic Defense, Queen Attack Deferred is a chess opening that features an early fianchetto of the light-squared bishop and a delayed queen attack.

1. d4 2. d5 3. c4 4. Bf5 5. Nc3 6. e6 7. Qb3

The Baltic Defense, Queen Attack Deferred is a variation of the Queen's Gambit Declined that features an early development of the light-squared bishop to f5. This opening aims to create counterplay for Black by attacking White's center and putting pressure on the d4 pawn. White typically responds by developing the knight to c3 and then launching a queen attack with Qb3, targeting the b7 pawn.

In this opening, Black has several options to counter White's threats, such as playing Nc6 to support the d5 pawn or Nf6 to prepare for kingside castling. Black can also opt for a more aggressive approach by playing c5, challenging White's central pawn structure.

White, on the other hand, should focus on maintaining a strong pawn center and completing development. Castling kingside is often a priority, as well as connecting the rooks and placing them on open or semi-open files.

The Baltic Defense, Queen Attack Deferred can lead to sharp and dynamic positions, with both sides having chances for active play. It is not as popular as other lines in the Queen's Gambit Declined, but it can be a viable option for players looking for an offbeat and aggressive defense against 1.d4.

Frequency: 1.7 %Stockfish score: 0.4, depth 33
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