Queen's Gambit Accepted: Old Variation, Korchnoi Gambit

The Queen's Gambit Accepted: Old Variation, Korchnoi Gambit is a chess opening that involves sacrificing a pawn to gain quick development and attacking chances.

1. d4 2. d5 3. c4 4. dxc4 5. e3 6. e5 7. Bxc4 8. exd4 9. Qb3 10. Qe7 11. Kf1

The Queen's Gambit Accepted: Old Variation, Korchnoi Gambit is a dynamic chess opening where White sacrifices a pawn early on to gain rapid development and create attacking opportunities. The opening begins with White playing 1. d4, followed by Black accepting the gambit with 1... dxc4. White then plays 2. e3, aiming to regain the pawn by attacking Black's c4 pawn with the bishop. After 2... e5, White continues with 3. Bxc4, putting pressure on Black's position and preparing to castle kingside.

Black responds with 3... exd4, accepting the pawn and opening up the center. White then plays 4. Qb3, a powerful move that threatens checkmate on f7 and puts pressure on Black's position. Black defends against the immediate threats with 4... Qe7, blocking the checkmate threat and preparing to develop the kingside pieces.

White continues with 5. Kf1, a surprising move that aims to protect the pawn on e3 and prepare for a kingside castle. This move also prevents Black from castling kingside and disrupts their development plans. The position becomes highly tactical and complex, with both sides having opportunities for aggressive play.

In this opening, White sacrifices a pawn to gain rapid development and create attacking chances against Black's exposed position. It requires accurate calculation and tactical awareness from both players. The Korchnoi Gambit is an exciting choice for players who enjoy dynamic and aggressive positions, where the initiative and active piece play are crucial for success.

Frequency: 0.0001 %Stockfish score: -0.6, depth 23
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