Nimzo-Indian Defense: Normal Variation, Gligoric System, Exchange Variation

A solid and flexible chess opening for Black, the Nimzo-Indian Defense: Normal Variation, Gligoric System, Exchange Variation aims to counter White's central pawn structure.

1. d4 2. Nf6 3. c4 4. e6 5. Nc3 6. Bb4 7. e3 8. O-O 9. Bd3 10. d5 11. Nf3 12. c5 13. O-O 14. dxc4 15. Bxc4

The opening is named after Yugoslav Grandmaster Svetozar Gligoric, who contributed significantly to its development. It is a branch of the Nimzo-Indian Defense, which is a popular and reliable choice for Black against 1.d4. In this variation, Black allows White to build a strong pawn center but aims to undermine it later with well-timed pawn breaks and piece play.

The key idea for Black is to put pressure on White's central pawn structure, especially the d4-pawn, by playing moves like ...c5 and ...d5. Black also fianchettoes the dark-squared bishop on b4, pinning the c3-knight and potentially doubling White's pawns after an eventual exchange on c3.

White, on the other hand, tries to maintain the central pawn structure and exploit the space advantage. The Exchange Variation specifically refers to the position after White captures on d5 with the c4-pawn, leading to a symmetrical pawn structure.

Both sides have chances for active play, and the resulting middlegame positions can be rich in strategic and tactical ideas. The opening is suitable for players who enjoy maneuvering and positional battles, as well as those who prefer a solid and flexible setup with Black.

Frequency: 38.1 %Stockfish score: 0.0, depth 42
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Nimzo-Indian Defense: Normal Variation, Gligoric System, Bronstein Variation

The Nimzo-Indian Defense: Normal Variation, Gligoric System, Bronstein Variation is a solid and flexible chess opening that leads to a rich middlegame with chances for both sides.

Frequency: 40.4 %

Nimzo-Indian Defense: Normal Variation, Gligoric System, Smyslov Variation

The Nimzo-Indian Defense: Normal Variation, Gligoric System, Smyslov Variation is a strategic chess opening where Black aims to control the center and develop harmoniously, while White focuses on exerting pressure and maintaining flexibility.

Frequency: 2.2 %