King's Indian Defense: Orthodox Variation

The King's Indian Defense: Orthodox Variation is a popular and aggressive chess opening that leads to complex and dynamic positions.

1. d4 2. Nf6 3. c4 4. g6 5. Nc3 6. Bg7 7. e4 8. d6 9. Nf3 10. O-O 11. Be2 12. e5 13. O-O

In the King's Indian Defense (KID), a hypermodern opening, Black allows White to occupy the center with pawns and then tries to undermine and counterattack this center later in the game. The Orthodox Variation is one of the main lines of the KID, characterized by the early development of the knight to f3 and the bishop to e2.

In this variation, Black aims to play e5, challenging White's central pawn on d4 and opening up the game for their pieces. White's main plan is to maintain their central pawn structure and expand on the queenside, while Black will try to create counterplay on the kingside.

The positions arising from the Orthodox Variation can be highly complex and double-edged, with both sides having chances for a successful attack. It is essential for both players to be well-prepared and familiar with the typical plans and ideas in this opening.

The KID: Orthodox Variation has been played by many top-level players, including former World Champions Garry Kasparov and Anatoly Karpov. It remains a popular choice for players of all levels, as it offers rich strategic and tactical opportunities for both sides.

Frequency: 67.6 %Stockfish score: 0.6, depth 49
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King's Indian Defense: Orthodox Variation, Aronin-Taimanov Defense

A popular and aggressive chess opening, this defense allows Black to counterattack White's center and create dynamic play.

Frequency: 70.6 %

King's Indian Defense: Orthodox Variation, Positional Defense

The King's Indian Defense: Orthodox Variation, Positional Defense is a solid and flexible opening for Black, aiming to counter White's central pawn structure.

Frequency: 23.5 %

King's Indian Defense: Orthodox Variation, Glek Defense

The King's Indian Defense: Orthodox Variation, Glek Defense is a solid and aggressive opening that leads to rich middlegame positions with chances for both sides.

Frequency: 18.3 %

King's Indian Defense: Orthodox Variation, Donner Defense

A solid and flexible chess opening for Black, focusing on counterplay and pawn breaks in the center and on the queenside.

Frequency: 2.5 %

King's Indian Defense: Orthodox Variation, Ukrainian Defense

The King's Indian Defense: Orthodox Variation, Ukrainian Defense is a strategic chess opening that aims to establish a solid pawn structure and counterattack against White's central control.

Frequency: 0.2 %