Italian Game: Evans Gambit, Compromised Defense
The Italian Game: Evans Gambit, Compromised Defense is a sharp and aggressive chess opening that leads to open positions with tactical opportunities for both sides.
1. e4 2. e5 3. Nf3 4. Nc6 5. Bc4 6. Bc5 7. b4 8. Bxb4 9. c3 10. Ba5 11. d4 12. exd4 13. O-O 14. dxc3The opening is characterized by an early pawn sacrifice by White to gain rapid development and open lines for their pieces. White offers a pawn on b4, which Black usually accepts, and then follows up with c3, intending to recapture on d4 with their pawn. Black, in turn, retreats their bishop to a5, and after White plays d4, Black captures the pawn on d4, leading to a position where White has sacrificed a pawn but has a lead in development.
The Compromised Defense variation occurs when Black captures the pawn on c3 after White has castled. This leads to a position where White has a strong center and open lines for their pieces, while Black has an extra pawn and a somewhat exposed king.
White's main idea in this opening is to create immediate threats and pressure on Black's position, hoping to exploit the lead in development and open lines. Black, on the other hand, aims to consolidate their position, neutralize White's threats, and make use of their extra pawn in the endgame.
Both sides have chances for tactical play and combinations, making this opening an exciting and challenging choice for players who enjoy sharp positions and dynamic play. The Italian Game: Evans Gambit, Compromised Defense has been played by many great players throughout history, including the legendary Paul Morphy and Garry Kasparov.
Rate | White | Black |
0...1800 | 65.3 | 47.4 |
1800...2000 | 67.6 | 50.5 |
2000...2200 | 66.4 | 53.5 |
2200...2500 | 61.8 | 52.9 |
2500... | 56.7 | 48.2 |