Indian Defense: Budapest Defense, Fajarowicz Variation

A chess opening characterized by sharp play and unbalanced positions, often leading to tactical battles and complex middlegames.

1. d4 2. Nf6 3. c4 4. e5 5. dxe5 6. Ne4

The opening is a dynamic and aggressive choice that can lead to sharp play and unbalanced positions. It is popular among players who enjoy tactical battles and complex middlegames. Characterized by an early pawn sacrifice by Black, the aim is to disrupt White's pawn structure and create counterplay.

In this variation, Black sacrifices a pawn on e5 to open lines for their pieces and create immediate threats against White's center. White usually accepts the pawn sacrifice, leading to positions where both sides have chances for an advantage. This variation is considered to be one of the more aggressive and risky options for Black, as it can lead to double-edged positions with chances for both sides.

The opening has been played by many strong players, including grandmasters, and has been the subject of extensive analysis. While it is not as popular as some other openings, it remains a viable choice for players looking for an aggressive and unorthodox way to fight against 1.d4.

In recent years, this variation has gained some popularity due to its surprise value and the fact that many players are not well-prepared to face it. However, it is essential for Black to be well-versed in the resulting positions and tactics, as mistakes can be severely punished.

Frequency: 123.2 %Stockfish score: 1.6, depth 44
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Indian Defense: Budapest Defense, Fajarowicz Defense, Bonsdorf Variation

A sharp and aggressive chess opening, the Bonsdorf Variation is a lesser-known line within the Fajarowicz Defense of the Budapest Gambit.

Frequency: 8.7 %

Indian Defense: Budapest Defense, Fajarowicz-Steiner Variation

The Indian Defense: Budapest Defense, Fajarowicz-Steiner Variation is an aggressive chess opening where Black sacrifices a pawn early on to gain active piece development and counterplay.

Frequency: 5 %