English Opening: King's English Variation, Two Knights Variation, Keres Variation

A solid and flexible chess opening that leads to a variety of pawn structures and middlegame plans, often resulting in a strategic battle between both players.

1. c4 2. e5 3. Nc3 4. Nf6 5. g3 6. c6

The opening is characterized by its early pawn push to c4 and the fianchetto of the light-squared bishop, which aims to control the central squares and create a solid pawn structure. The Two Knights Variation is a popular choice among players who prefer a more aggressive approach, as it involves the rapid development of both knights to challenge the center.

In the Keres Variation, Black responds with the pawn move c6, which aims to counter White's central pawn structure and prepare for a potential d5 pawn break. This move also allows Black to develop their light-squared bishop to a more active square, such as f5 or g4.

The opening often leads to a strategic battle, as both players try to maneuver their pieces to optimal squares and create imbalances in the position. White typically aims to maintain their central pawn structure and exploit any weaknesses in Black's pawn formation, while Black seeks to challenge White's center and create counterplay on the queenside.

The flexibility of this opening allows for a variety of middlegame plans and pawn structures, making it a popular choice for players who enjoy strategic battles and positional play. Some notable grandmasters who have employed this opening include Paul Keres, Anatoly Karpov, and Garry Kasparov.

Frequency: 92.8 %Stockfish score: 0.4, depth 51
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