English Opening: King's English Variation, Closed System

The English Opening: King's English Variation, Closed System is a solid and flexible chess opening that aims for a slow and strategic middlegame.

1. c4 2. e5 3. Nc3 4. Nc6 5. g3 6. g6 7. Bg2 8. Bg7 9. d3

The opening is characterized by its slow and steady development, with both players aiming to control the center and create a solid pawn structure. White begins by pushing the c-pawn to c4, followed by the development of the knight to c3 and the fianchetto of the light-squared bishop. Black responds with a symmetrical setup, playing e5, Nc6, and fianchettoing the dark-squared bishop.

The Closed System of the King's English Variation is known for its flexibility, as both players have various options for pawn breaks and piece placement. White can choose to expand on the queenside with a3 and b4, or prepare a central break with e3 and d4. Black, on the other hand, can aim for a kingside attack with f5 or a central break with d5.

This opening often leads to a strategic middlegame, where both players must carefully maneuver their pieces and plan pawn breaks to create weaknesses in the opponent's position. The English Opening: King's English Variation, Closed System is a popular choice among players who prefer a slow and strategic game, rather than sharp tactical battles.

Overall, this opening is a solid choice for players who enjoy a flexible and strategic game, with plenty of opportunities for both sides to outmaneuver their opponent and create winning chances.

Frequency: 28.1 %Stockfish score: 0.3, depth 45
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English Opening: King's English Variation, Closed System, Full Symmetry

The English Opening: King's English Variation, Closed System, Full Symmetry is a solid and flexible chess opening that leads to a rich middlegame with chances for both sides.

Frequency: 113.8 %