English Opening: Anglo-Indian Defense, Nimzo-English

A flexible and strategic chess opening, the Anglo-Indian Defense, Nimzo-English leads to a complex middlegame with a dynamic balance of power between both players.

1. Nf3 2. Nf6 3. c4 4. e6 5. Nc3 6. Bb4

The opening is characterized by a flexible pawn structure and a dynamic balance of power between the two players. It is a popular choice among players who prefer a more strategic and less tactical approach to the game. The opening combines elements of the Nimzo-Indian Defense and the English Opening, which is why it is named as such.

In this opening, White aims to control the center with their pawn on c4 and their knights on f3 and c3, while Black tries to counter this by placing their bishop on b4, pinning the knight on c3 and exerting pressure on the central squares. The pawn structure can remain fluid, allowing both players to adapt their plans according to the specific position on the board.

One of the main ideas for Black in this opening is to provoke weaknesses in White's pawn structure, often by inducing a pawn move to a3, which can create targets for later attacks. White, on the other hand, can try to exploit the fact that Black's light-squared bishop is often locked behind their own pawn chain, leading to potential problems in the endgame.

Both sides have various plans and pawn breaks available to them, making this opening a rich and complex battleground for strategic and positional play. The Anglo-Indian Defense, Nimzo-English is a solid and flexible choice for players of all levels, offering a wide range of middlegame and endgame possibilities.

Frequency: 4.7 %Stockfish score: 0.2, depth 43
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English Opening: Anglo-Indian Defense, Zvjaginsev-Krasenkow Attack

The English Opening with the Zvjaginsev-Krasenkow Attack is a dynamic and aggressive chess opening that aims to control the center and launch a powerful kingside attack.

Frequency: 6.8 %