Benko Gambit Accepted: Fully Accepted Variation

This dynamic and aggressive chess opening provides Black with excellent counterplay and long-term pressure on the queenside.

1. d4 2. Nf6 3. c4 4. c5 5. d5 6. b5 7. cxb5 8. a6 9. bxa6

The opening is characterized by Black sacrificing a pawn on the b-file in order to create open lines and pressure on the queenside. This gambit is popular among players who enjoy active piece play and are willing to accept a material disadvantage for the sake of activity and counterplay. The main idea for Black is to quickly develop their pieces, especially the rooks, and use them to create threats along the open a- and b-files.

White, on the other hand, must decide whether to accept the gambit pawn and try to consolidate their material advantage or decline it and maintain a solid pawn structure. If White accepts the gambit, they must be prepared to face a strong initiative from Black and find ways to neutralize the pressure on the queenside.

In the Fully Accepted Variation, White captures the pawn on a6, allowing Black to recapture with their bishop. This leads to positions where Black has excellent piece coordination and long-term pressure on the queenside, while White must find ways to consolidate their extra pawn and counter Black's activity.

The opening has been played by many top-level players, including former World Champions Garry Kasparov and Anatoly Karpov, and remains a popular choice for players seeking an unbalanced and dynamic position with chances for both sides.

Frequency: 55.9 %Stockfish score: 0.7, depth 48
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Benko Gambit Accepted: Yugoslav

A dynamic chess opening, the Benko Gambit Accepted: Yugoslav leads to imbalanced positions and offers winning chances for both players.

Frequency: 38 %

Benko Gambit Accepted: Fianchetto Variation

The Benko Gambit Accepted: Fianchetto Variation is a chess opening characterized by an early pawn sacrifice for long-term counterplay on the queenside.

Frequency: 27.4 %

Benko Gambit Accepted: King Walk Variation

The Benko Gambit Accepted: King Walk Variation is a dynamic chess opening that leads to imbalanced positions and offers chances for both sides to play for a win.

Frequency: 19.8 %

Benko Gambit

This aggressive chess opening features a pawn sacrifice to gain counterplay on the queenside and open lines for the rooks.

Frequency: 10.8 %

Benko Gambit: Fianchetto Variation

The Benko Gambit: Fianchetto Variation is a dynamic and aggressive chess opening that offers Black excellent counterplay and long-term pressure on the queenside.

Frequency: 10.2 %

Benko Gambit Accepted: Central Storming Variation

The Benko Gambit Accepted: Central Storming Variation is an aggressive chess opening that involves sacrificing a pawn to gain active piece development and create tactical opportunities.

Frequency: 1.8 %

Benko Gambit: Nd2 Variation

The Benko Gambit: Nd2 Variation is a chess opening that involves sacrificing a pawn to gain active piece development and counterplay on the queenside.

Frequency: 1.2 %