Alekhine Defense: Modern Variation, Vitolins Attack

The Alekhine Defense: Modern Variation, Vitolins Attack is a chess opening that involves an early pawn push to challenge Black's knight and gain control of the center.

1. e4 2. Nf6 3. e5 4. Nd5 5. c4 6. Nb6 7. d4 8. d6 9. Nf3 10. Bg4 11. d5

The Alekhine Defense: Modern Variation, Vitolins Attack begins with White pushing their pawn to e4, which aims to control the center and open lines for their pieces. Black responds by moving their knight to f6, attacking White's pawn on e4. White then advances their pawn to e5, forcing Black's knight to retreat. Black moves their knight back to d5, maintaining pressure on White's pawn on e5.

White continues with c4, challenging Black's knight on d5 and aiming to gain control of the center. Black responds by moving their knight to b6, attacking White's pawn on c4. White pushes their pawn to d4, further reinforcing their control over the center and challenging Black's knight on b6.

Black develops their pawn to d6, creating a solid pawn structure and preparing to develop their other pieces. White advances their knight to f3, developing a piece and preparing to castle. Black moves their bishop to g4, pinning White's knight on f3 and potentially disrupting White's development.

White plays d5, sacrificing their pawn to open lines and gain an advantage in development. Black captures the pawn on d5 with their knight, accepting the sacrifice and aiming to maintain a solid position. This move also opens up the possibility for Black to develop their light-squared bishop.

In summary, the Alekhine Defense: Modern Variation, Vitolins Attack involves an early pawn push by White to challenge Black's knight and gain control of the center, followed by a series of moves aimed at developing pieces and establishing a solid position on both sides of the board.

Frequency: 0.06 %Stockfish score: -0.1, depth 22
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